Gas reducer
Today, there are many homes and industrial enterprises that have gas-powered equipment. Heating boilers, cooking stoves, etc., require an uninterrupted supply of gas. However, not all suburban homes and enterprises are connected to the central gas supply for one reason or another. This issue is resolved by gas storage tanks (tanks, cylinders, etc.). Gas is stored in a compressed form and is under high pressure, which makes it impossible to connect the equipment to the source. Therefore, a gas reducer is the solution.
Gas reducer: what is it?
First of all, the task of the gas reducer is to reduce the outlet pressure, which is necessary for gas operation. The gas reducer consists of three main components: a shut-off spring, a membrane, and a pressure-reducing valve. The spring acts on the valve due to its own compression, blocking the path of gas to the outlet. The opposing force is the membrane that opens the valve. It is under the pressure of the spring and gas at the same time. When the pressure is released to the specified value, the membrane opens the valve to supply gas. In addition, this device can be equipped with additional devices: a pressure gauge for measuring the pressure of the incoming gas; additional valves that regulate the outlet pressure. In addition, some of them are equipped with emergency valves that are triggered when the pressure exceeds the permissible norm by 2-3 times.
Gas reducer: which one to choose?
In view of the popularization of gas-powered devices from households to industry, you need to know what criteria to use to choose a reducer. When choosing, you should take into account the capacity of the gas reducer. To do this, you will need to calculate the gas consumption of the connected equipment at maximum power. In addition, you need to warn yourself and check information about the manufacturer, as well as read various reviews about the reducer that you liked.

Service life of a gas reducer
The service life of a gas reducer is quite difficult to track statistically. Much depends on the installation, operating conditions and gas quality. If you rely on these criteria, you should contact specialists in this field. Then how. they have experience, they know more about the nuances of the installation process. For example, what material to use if the equipment or room is subject to vibrations. To purchase a high-class gas reducer, just call us.
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