StoveCalc - программа для расчета теплоотдачи прямоугольной отопительной печи   After determining the heat loss of the premises, you can select a heating furnace with required characteristics for heat transfer and dimensions. At the same time, the main characteristics of the firebox, calculated for the use of a certain type of fuel, are determined. Read more
HeatCalc - программа для расчета теплопотерь помещения     With help of offered calculator you can independently determine heat needs of any living space. The term “residential” means a room where they live permanently during the heating season. Summer buildings where heating during the cold season works periodically, usually on weekends, do not fall into this category. Read more
Отопительный котел   Online calculator for calculation of building heat losses and necessary capacity of heating boiler. With the help of this calculator, you will be able to select a heating boiler and calculate the bnecessary heating capacity for your building. Read more

Calculation programs - heating



– is a calculator program that allows you to quickly and easily calculate the heat output of a rectangular heating stove.



– a program that will help you independently determine the heating needs of your living space. By calculating all heat losses, you will be able to competently and quickly select a suitable heating system.

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