Repair of air conditioner’s control board One of the most frequent broken details of air conditioner is the control board. Therefore, the malfunction of air conditioner’s control board is one of the most common causes of air conditioenrs repair. Generally it occurs because of voltage drop. In this case it is necessary to carry out the replacement or repair of air conditioner’s control boards. In our time it is difficult to find a reliable company which provides the services of repair of climatic equipment control boards. Repair of air conditioner’s control board Server Service Company will carry out the repair of air conditioner’s control boards at any time convenient for you. We save your time and cost! Our company is also engaged in the professional installation of household air conditioners. Our address: Chilanzar district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Contacts: +998 (71) 207-33-32 E-mail:, Skype: server6454

Repair of the air conditioner control board

Today, repair of control boards, failure of air conditioner control boards is one of the main problems of their failure. This is not surprising, since they most often occur due to problems in the electrical network. Sudden power outages, voltage drops, wiring faults – unfortunately, many houses in our city have these shortcomings. In this case, either replacement or repair of air conditioner control boards can solve the above-mentioned failure.

Nowadays, it is difficult to choose a really good company that provides services for repairing air conditioning control boards. Often, there are mechanics who, instead of repairing, offer to replace the control unit, and this costs a pretty penny.

Repair of the air conditioner control board

Our company “Server Service Plus” will repair air conditioner control boards at any time convenient for you.

We save your time and money!

Our company also professionally installs household air conditioners.

Server-Service is your reliable partner in creating a comfortable climate in your home, office or enterprise!

Contact us today to get advice and learn more about our services!


Telephone: +998 (70) 202 01 32, 

                     +998 (98) 128 42 00;


We will be happy to answer your questions!

Server-Service – New level service!