The main goal of “SERVER-SERVICE” company is to provide the maximum quality of customer service, while diagnostics process and repair of climatic equipment. Company specialists conduct regular preventive maintenance and qualified repair of installed equipment, the purpose of which is the continuous use of air conditioning systems in summer season or year-round, if necessary.
Multi split system is a conventional split air conditioning system, the only difference is that it can use several indoor units from 2 to 7 pieces connected to one external unit. The problem of comfortable air conditioning of multi-room apartments or offices is solved using multi-split systems.
In this system, indoor units of various types can be connected to an external unit: channel, cassette, floor or ceiling, as well as their combinations. But the main advantage of the system lies in the fact that thanks to two-compressed outdoor unit, the indoor units are installed in different rooms, they can operate in standalone modes – heating, cooling, drying or ventilation.
Employees of “SERVER-SERVICE” company perform repair works for air conditioners of multi-split systems. And according to statistics, in 70-80% of cases the employees of the company eliminate the breakdown and all malfunctions of multi-split systems of air conditioners, while ensuring the full operation of the air conditioning system at much lower cost, in comparison with the purchase and installation of a new air conditioner.
In case you independently decided to repair the air conditioner from multi-split system, follow this link.