Ventilation equipment
Correct ventilation calculation is a fundamental condition for creating a comfortable atmosphere in a private home, office, restaurant, or production facility. In order to turn a sketch into reality, you will have to not only find competent designers, but also find an organization capable of selecting, ordering, and installing equipment.

Server-Service is a company that can be trusted with any work, from project development to installation and testing in different modes. We will deliver the necessary equipment from China at a low cost. Direct cooperation with manufacturers allows us to set the most affordable prices in the region. You can buy from us:
- Supply and exhaust ventilation for swimming pools
- Decentralized systems Экотерм, Vents TwinFresh Comfo, Mitsubishi Lossnay, O.ERRE Temperoe
- Monoblock units for inflow
- Circulations
- Products from top manufacturers such as DOSPEL, Belimo, VTS
Server-Service is your reliable partner in creating a comfortable climate in your home, office or enterprise!
Contact us today to get advice and learn more about our services!
Telephone: +998 (70) 202 01 32, +998 (98) 128 42 00;
Telephone: +998 (70) 202 01 32,
We will be happy to answer your questions!
Server-Service – New level service!