We have started to release air ducts!

Server-Service company announces the opening of a factory for the production of air ducts!

We are ready to compete with companies engaged in similar activities, because our products have an optimal price-quality ratio. Our company has taken a new step towards its development – a factory for the manufacture of galvanized steel ducts has recently been launched. This event is truly significant for us – we have been preparing for it for a long time! The tedious wait for the arrival of equipment from China and its commissioning is over.

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We manufacture round and rectangular air ducts of different lengths and diameters. We accept orders for the manufacture of non-standard products according to individual sizes provided by the customer. High-quality galvanized steel is used in the production process. This eliminates the possibility of peeling the galvanized layer from the metal in the bending zones.

The thickness of the steel is selected according to technological standards. The values can vary from 0.5 to 1.2 mm (depending on the diameter of the air ducts). A distinctive feature of the products we offer is a sewn–in tire cover, which allows us to guarantee 100% tightness.

Unlike competitors, Server Service company supplies air ducts that are completely ready for installation.

You do not have to additionally order the elements for the connection (rails, corners, clamps, etc.). All that is required in the future is to find qualified craftsmen for installation. By the way, we are also ready to help with this – our experienced installers will install air ducts according to the project and SNIPS. So, by ordering galvanized steel air ducts from us, you save time and money!

Another advantage of our company is the availability of modern equipment combined into a single automated production line. It takes a record short time to manufacture one air duct without shaped elements to it – 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

ServerService – is your reliable partner in creating a comfortable climate in your home, office or enterprise!

Contact us today to get advice and learn more about our services!


Telephone: +998 (70) 202 01 32

                      +998 (98) 128 42 00;

Email: manager.serverservice@gmail.com

We will be happy to answer your questions!

Server-Service – is a new level of service!