Any industrial sphere requires strict observation of technological process of product manufacturing. That’s why air humidification plays an important role for comfortable microclimate in many enterprises. Air humidifying in industry should meet high world standards. Threfore, trust industrial moisturizing only to trusted organizations.

The industrial air humidification today can be sprayable and evaporative. It depends on used technology and equipment.


vis1The principle of operation of humidifying systems operating on compressed air, is that the compressed air and water leaving the nozzle, turns the water into steam due to the pressure difference with the expansion of air.

A major disadvantage of this system type is the noise generated from compressed air. Compressor is needed to operate the system.


The type of system shown on the right side of photo consists of a vacuum valve that lowers the water pressure to 0.5 bar and the nozzles through which compressed air exits.

Compressed air “draws down” water with a pressure less than atmospheric pressure and turns water into a fine dispersion.

vis2Such systems are used for small production facilities, when a humidification system is necessary without investing large investments.

In another type of humidifier, water is supplied to storage tank in block form. Compressed air, through the nozzles, draws down and turns the water in tank into steam.


Very fine dispersion of water is formed due to special nozzle design.vis3
This type of system is used in:

  • Automotive industry (“clean zones” – body painting areas)
  • Electronics industry
  • The peculiarity of these humidification systems lies in injectors arrangement:
  • The nozzle consists of two jets directed towards each other.

Server Service provides a full range of services for design, installation and maintenance of humidification systems.
To get technical advice, as well as to select and install equipment taking into account the specifics of your premises, you can contact our specialists by calling: +998 (71) 207-33-32 or by sending an e-mail to our Corporate address:,