
Navien company was established in South Korea. The full name of the company is “KYUNGDONG Navien”, but today we know it as Navien. This company is one of the best manufacturers of various modifications of heating boilers, which over time, invariably differ in quality, functionality, ease of handling and reliability, which is so appreciated in case of any equipment. Navien don’t forget about that such a familiar and at first glance, unaesthetic equipment should be beautiful. Boilers Navien can be made in classic white color, as well as in gold and silver. This quality attracts attention to not only quality lovers, but also connoisseurs of beauty and aesthetics.

Today the most popular model of Navien boilers is Saturn KDB, which, in comparison with other boilers, has a number of notable advantages, such as:

  • Virtually no noise during operation
    • Increased level of DHW capacity
    • Presence of the most advanced automation – makes boiler control extremely simple and understandable
    • Control panel and liquid crystal display
    • Low weight – this quality makes it easier to install and dismantle the entire structure
    • The most advanced design – many details of this boiler’s design are located slightly differently than in older models, which also facilitates the operation process.
    • Built-in pump for pumping.

Such boilers allow you to forget forever about problems associated with heating of your home. As it is known, in many, not only small, but also large cities, there are tangible problems with high-quality heating. Yes, and this pleasure is much more expensive than buying, servicing and repairing of Navien heating boilers.

Repair of Navien boilers

Of course, these boilers, from time to time, require repair and service, but in the world, as it is known, there is nothing perfect, and more than that there is nothing always working. However, it is worth remembering that depending on how well the installation is performed, or whether your boiler repairs, it depends on how much and how it will serve you. “Server Service” provides quality installation, maintenance and repair of Navien heating boilers. All services provided by our company are accompanied by a long-term, valid quality guarantee.


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