Sprayable polyurethane foam. PU spraying for today is one of the most promising methods of creating thermal insulation coatings. Spraying from the foam generator gives the polyurethane foam the ability to cover desired surface of any shape. In addition, it is distinguished by its excellent adhesive strength, due to which it is remarkably suitable for the design and implementation of thermal insulation of all possible elements of industrial and residential buildings. Principle of equipment operation used for spraying of polyurethane foam, which is based on precise dosage of two components in strict accordance with manufacturer’s recipe. Entering mixing camera of special sprayer through the hoses, these components are mixed, forming a mixture immediately sprayed onto the insulated surface. Following types of work are performed by spraying polyurethane foam: sealing and thermal insulation of ceilings, warming the roof and flat roofs of the house; thermal insulation of floors and buildings walls; arrangement of refrigeration units; thermal insulation of thermo-bodies and refrigerated wagons; waterproofing tanks and pipelines, as well as other objects, which operate under different temperature regimes. As a result of PU spraying, a seamless thermal insulation coating is formed, in which the appearance of cold bridges over the entire surface of a uniformly covered polyurethane surface with any configuration complexity is eliminated. No other thermal insulation material has similar properties. Our company provides a full range of services related to thermal insulation with polyurethane foam. Our employees are always ready to provide all necessary consultations, and after ordering for cold store insulation, production, storage or living space in Uzbekistan, you will receive the result of the highest quality at the most favorable price for you.
Пенополиуретан сепиш бугунги кунда ривожланиб бораётган ва истиқболли келажакка эга бўлган иссиқлик изоляцияси қопламидир. Маълумки, пенополиуретан буғ генераторда сепилади. Шу боис у юзага тегиши билан осонлик билан мослашади ва юзанинг шаклига киради. Бироқ у фақат шу ҳислати билан машҳур эмас. Унинг мукаммал ёпишқоқлик кучини эслатиб ўтмасликнинг иложи йўқ. Герметиклаштиришга мустаҳкам асосланади. Бу турар-жой ва саноат биноларида иссиқлик изоляциясини яратишда уни жуда яхши ёрдамчига айлатиради. Пенополиуретан сепадиган қурилма 2 та компонентнинг аниқ дозаси ҳисобига ишлайди. Уни ишлаб чиқарувчи рецептида кўрсатилгани каби қилиш лозим. Компонентлар шланг орқали аралашитриш бўлимига тушади, бу ерда қоришма ҳосил бўлади ва керакли жойда фойдаланилади. Пенополиуретан сепиш қуйидагилар учун қўлланилади: – шифтларнинг герметизацияси ва изоляцияси – уйларнинг том ёпиш ва юпқа томларини иситиш – биноларнинг пол ва деворларини иссиқликдан изоляция қилиш – совутгич ускуналарни жиҳозлаш – термокузов ва рефрижератор вагонларини изоляция қилиш – қувур тармоқлари ва сув идишларини иссиқлик ва сувдан изоляция қилиш Бу билан рўйхат тугаб қолмайди. Бу ерга бир вақтнинг ўзида ҳароаратнинг турли кўрсатгичларида ишловчи бошқа объектлдарни ҳам қўшиш мумкин. Пенополиуретан сепиш бусбутун изоляция қатламини ҳосил қилади, изоляция қилинган юзада совуқликка ҳеч қандай имконият қолмайди. Иссиқликни худди шундай изоляция қиладиган бошқа материал мавжуд эмас ва бу хусусияти билан мақтана олади. Компаниямизда турли хизматлар иссиқлик пенополиуретан билан изоляция қилиш билан уйғунликда тақдим этилади. Бизга қўнғироқ қилинг ва омбор ва турар-жой, ишлаб чиқариш объектингиздаги совутиш камерангиз учун изоляция буюртма қилинг! Мутахассисларимиз сизнинг барча саволларингизга жавоб беради. Биз сифатли сервис хизматини қулай нархда тақдим этамиз.

Spray polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a modern insulation material that is actively used not only for insulating houses and warehouses, but also for thermal insulation of various refrigeration equipment. The most widespread is sprayed polyurethane foam insulation (PUF), formed after mixing two polymers. That is, the liquid substance is sprayed under high pressure from a tank equipped with a dispensing gun. Firstly, PUF quickly hardens in the air, acquiring greater mechanical strength. Secondly, the material can be applied to metal, concrete, wood, brick or any other surfaces – in any case, it will retain its inherent advantages. If you want to insulate a refrigerated warehouse, industrial or residential premises, then contact Server-Service! Our specialists will do their job as quickly as possible, but at the same time very efficiently.

Spray Polyurethane Foam: Benefits

The main advantages of polyurethane foam include the following:

  • Resistant to water and chemicals;
  • Low thermal conductivity ;
  • Non-flammability; 
  • Good sound insulation;
  • Versatility of application;
  • Environmentally friendly and durable.
pena kopija

In addition, during the hardening process, the material expands, which allows you to fill voids and narrow gaps. According to the structure, polyurethane foam can be of two types – with open cells or closed. However, if you do not know which type to give preference to? Contact our experts – they will help you choose the right option depending on the goals.

Purpose of PPU

Server-Service specialists use spray polyurethane foam for the purpose of:

  • Thermal insulation and sealing of ceilings;
  • Insulation of flat roofs and roofing;
  • Thermal insulation of walls and floors;
  • Equipment of refrigerated chambers and warehouses, refrigerated wagons and thermo-bodies;
  • Pipeline insulation.

The use of polyurethane foam allows you to get a solid coating without seams and cracks, which will perfectly cope with its tasks. If you have any questions, contact us!

Server-Service is your reliable partner in creating a comfortable climate in your home, office or enterprise!

Contact us today to get advice and learn more about our services!


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                     +998 (98) 128 42 00;

Email: manager.serverservice@gmail.com

We will be happy to answer your questions!

Server-Service – New level service!