Refrigerated stores can be equipped with internal partitions; special pressure equalizing valves; air curtains that prevent cold from leaking; lighting system that does not generate heat (usual lamps convert about 80% of the energy into heat); and also with carbon filters for cleaning the air inside of camera. The doors of camera are of two types: swinging and sliding, and doors differ in size of area light.

Types of industrial refrigerated stores

Refrigerated stores come in several types, differing in temperature within the camera, and each of them has its own area of application. In total, there are three  temperature regimes:

Medium-temperature refrigerating cameras have –  a temperature of about 0°C (-5°C ~ -5°C), which is maintained inside of such cameras and they are primarily intended for storing fruits and vegetables that lose their useful properties and appearance when they are frozen (for example, strawberries after freezing and subsequent thawing turns into a “puree” – its berries lose their form and appearance, the potato after a frost gets a sweet taste). In addition, medium-temperature refrigerators are used to store cut flowers, tobacco and fur products.

Low-temperature refrigerating cameras maintain a temperature from -5°C to -30°C. In such cameras: meat, poultry, fish and other perishable products are stored.

Cameras of shock freezing are used for quick freezing of fruits and meat before storing them in a refrigerating camera (vitamins are retained with fast freezing of fruits, frozen meat in the shock camera after cooking is obtained softer). Cameras of shock freezing are not designed for long-term storage of products – they are used only for quick freezing.

Before building a refrigerating camera, you need to decide what temperature you need inside of the camera. When building each of refrigerating cameras types, each one has its own peculiarities and transform mid-temperature refrigerating camera in a shock-freezing camera, a laborious and costly process.

Refrigerated store is an irreplaceable thing to store, and in many cases also for  sale of fruits and vegetables, meat, flowers, certain medicines and many other types of products.

Our company will prepare the project and build for you a coldroom of any size; will supply all necessary equipment (we have a large range of equipment for refrigeration cameras); and if necessary, will carry out a qualitative repair or modernization of your refrigerating camera!

If you need the best quality refrigerator in Uzbekistan – just give us a call!

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