Solar collectors are actively used in heating systems, but not everyone knows that they can be used for conditioning system too. In summer, when the sun shines brightly, the topic of conditioning is most actual, and since solar energy can be used for cooling, it is the best option to provide a cool home. f20110306100932 11042009063 Advantages of solar energy air conditioning system are:
  • If it’s getting hotter on the street, then the productivity of refrigeration machine is getting higher, but not alternative way, as in conventional air conditioning compressors.
  • Usage of free energy for air conditioning.
  • In winter, such a system warms your home as well as it does in the summer and cools it.
  • Convenient use of heat from collectors in summer time, when there is no need for heating.
Principle of absorption chiller work together with solar collectors The principle of absorption chiller worrk you can find in the Internet or on our website, so we will not describe it in detail, we will only describe the main points. So, many people know about absorption air-conditioners, they have been used for a long time, especially at enterprises with a large amount of waste heat (heat generated in the course of any production and just thrown into the atmosphere), now these absorption refrigerators (chillers) are increasingly used together with collectors. Absorption refrigerators use water as the refrigerant, and not freon as other air-conditioning units. Absorption chiller needs heat for cold supply and this heat we get from summer scorching sun. If you already have solar collectors for heating your house, or you just think about it, install an absorption mini chiller together with vacuum solar collectors and you will get coolness almost free of charge in summer, without huge payments for electricity. Our company is pleased to offer you a full range of services for the implementation of solar conditioning. We carry out design, installation and delivery of equipment from China. If you are interested in solar energy as the main source of heat and cold in your house, please, contact us. Our company is pleased to offer you a full range of services for the implementation of solar conditioning. We carry out design, installation and delivery of equipment from China. Our qualified specialists have a long working experience in the field of heating and air conditioning, therefore we guarantee the quality and reliability of any system designed and implemented by specialists of our company.   2 1b

Solar collectors + absorption chillers

Today, solar collectors are actively used in heating systems. However, not everyone knows that they can also be used for air conditioning.

In the summer, when the sun shines brightly, this topic is most relevant, and since solar energy can be used for cooling, this is the best option for keeping your home cool.

The advantages of this type of air conditioning are:

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High performance refrigeration machine;


Availability of energy for the air conditioning system;


Possibility of operation both for heating and cooling;


Ease of use.

Previously, absorption air conditioners were used mainly in enterprises with a large amount of waste heat (generated as a result of production). Today, chillers are increasingly used together with collectors.

Absorption refrigeration machines use water as a refrigerant, not freon. When combined with solar panels, the chiller requires the heat of the sun’s rays.

If you want to install solar collectors for heating, then combine an absorption mini chiller and vacuum solar panels. In this case, you will significantly save on electricity bills.

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Our company is pleased to offer you a full range of services for the implementation of such an air conditioning system. We design, install and supply equipment from China. If you are interested in the prospect of cooling and heating using alternative energy sources, then contact us.

Qualified specialists of Server Service have extensive experience in the field of heating and air conditioning. We guarantee the reliability of any system designed and implemented by the masters of our company.

Server-Service is your reliable partner in creating a comfortable climate in your home, office or enterprise!

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