la plata 0Team’s friendly and working atmosphere is always the key to good results. However, labor conditions are another important element. Here, room temperature regime in cold periods of the year comes to the fore. Cold and trembling have never stimulated diligence and the desire to overcome the working peaks.

Water heating

This option is the most popular. A huge number of office buildings or rooms use this form of maintaining a comfortable temperature. The source of heat is a boiler or CHP. At the same time, the selection and distribution of heating units takes place at the design stage of the building. The same applies to pipelines, and heating devices, which can act as convectors or radiators.

There is the possibility of using water heating for heating floors. At the stage of developing an integrated heating system, the thermal losses of the room are studied. Based on these values, the filling and the components of the office water heating are determined. Individual cases may require additional heating devices. And if the losses are extremely small, then we can only limit ourselves to the warm floor.

Electric heating

If there is no possibility to carry out water heating, then they resort to the help of electric heat sources. Floor heating can be done by placing a special heating cable in it.

In addition, electric convectors are very popular. Modern models are simply mounted on the wall surface and have a presentable appearance. Such devices can be combined into a single network, controlling the heating of the room from one device.

You can buy all necessary equipment for an electric floor under our “Product Catalog” section.

Split system

There are many models of split systems that can work in reverse mode. They have the function of a heat pump, which allows such devices to transfer warm air into the room.

Any option of heating an office space must be efficient and economical. To find the best option, you should contact the professionals.

Our company will be able to provide you a full range of heating services and install the best heating option according to your needs.