Armaflex (ArmWin 3.2)

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Armaflex thermal insulation materials are indispensable in cases where it is necessary to reliably protect communications, various technical systems and containers.

Insulation materials from Armacell are designed to prevent energy loss, condensation and rust formation, icing or changes in the temperature of the carrier, and to reduce the temperature on the surface.

In order to correctly calculate the thickness of the thermal insulation wall, use a special calculation program ArmWin 3.2. You can download it from our website.

Everyone knows that an error in calculating the optimal thermal insulation layer can lead to many problems. Too thin a layer is ineffective, and too thick a layer is unreasonably expensive. Many are convinced that in order to determine the optimal thickness of the thermal insulation layer, dozens of calculations and measurements must be made, which only specialists can do.

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