High pressure systems are most often used in large production or storage facilities with ceilings above 4 meters.
According to developed technology, water is sprayed under high pressure (80 atmospheres) with special nozzles, forming the smallest aerosol. Previously, water is disinfected and is demineralized. Automatic mode of the system provides humidity and temperature sensors and a control unit that allows you to adjust air humidity level.
Responsibilities of Server Service include:
– systematic (at least 1 time relief) inspection of the entire compressor plant, automation and alarm devices;
– monitoring of start-up and operation of compressors and electric motors, their temperature, oil pressure in lubrication system and air in each stage, as well as the absence of air bubbles and the condition of sealing area;
– checking the oil level in crankcase, topping up the oil;
– checking air pressure in air distribution network;
– purging of water-oil separators; cleanliness of the equipment and compressor premises.
You can contact us for more detailed information by calling company’s phones listed in contacts section.