If at least one refrigerator showcase has broken down, this is already a problem, because all the goods from it need to be urgently cleaned into other refrigerators, where buyers will not see it. And what if several refrigerators have failed at once? This will lead to tangible financial losses, since perishable goods start to disappear (and they will have to be thrown away if you value your reputation), such products as butter and ice cream will immediately melt and lose their market appearance (after repeated freezing they will be difficult to sell), nobody wants warm drinks.
All this is a real nightmare for the owner of the store, which is expected to have substantial losses. And if you take into account that visitors who see perishable products lying in a defective refrigerator, not only will not come to you again, but they will tell about all your relatives and friends about the “quality” of your shop – you are generally ruined!
Any owner of a grocery store needs equipment to be repaired as quickly as possible. There is no time to sort out the reasons for the breakdown in such situations, although it might be worthwhile to think about it. Most likely, there were errors in the installation or use of equipment that failed. The main cause of breakdowns in refrigeration equipment is unscrupulous installation.
There are also cases when the equipment itself is purchased with a defect (which is found only in low-quality equipment suppliers). Purchase only checked equipment, and for equipment supplies choose a company that has a long time engaged in refrigeration equipment, which offers a full range of services for the delivery, installation and maintenance of commercial refrigeration equipment (if different companies do this – they will blame each other) and gives a hardware warranty and all provided services – such as Server Service.
Refrigeration equipment was broke down – how to repair?
Your refrigeration equipment has broken down and you need to do something urgently. Specialists of Server Service will help you to solve this problem. We have been performing urgent repairs of refrigeration equipment in Tashkent for 14 years and we have a lot of experience in this field. If you need a quick and quality repair that will allow your refrigerators work for many more years, contact us – we will help you! We will find any details for your commercial fridge. And if we do not have necessary details, we will find them.
If the failure is not serious, then we will eliminate it directly in your store, without disturbing your employees and visitors. If the failure is serious and requires many hours of repair and a long diagnosis – we will carry out repairs in our workshop (we will dismantle and take your refrigerator – you do not need to look for transport for delivery). We give a guarantee not only for replaced components, but for all types of performed work! You will easily find many satisfied customers of our company.
If you need a quality repair of a commercial refrigerator in Uzbekistan – just call us: +998 (71) 207-33-32