Fire protection of ventilation system is a measure that prevents spread of fire, smoke and combustion products. Fire of ventilation system can cause rapid smoke spread and repeated ignition of combustion materials.

Moreover, they also complicate carrying out rescue activities and increase damage. Therefore, before facility commissioning, it is necessary to carry out activities for fire protection of emergency ventilation system so that to increase resistance to ultra high temperatures.

Fire protection of smoke exhaust ducts

Removed gases during fire can reach critical temperature values. One of the most


important conditions of emergency ventilation is the ability to withstand t 600 °С.

First of all, the following buildings need fire protection:

  • high traffic buildings – trade and entertainment centers, cinemas, business centers, educational institutions etc.
  • multi-story apartment buildings;
  • underground structures;
  • premises intended for storage of fuel and lubricants;
  • steel and chemical plants, plasma cutting and other industrial facilities.

Bath house, boiler house, rooms with fireplace also require fire protection system.

Which materials are used for fire protection of smoke exhaust ducts

  • mineral wool of any type;
  • special intumescent paints;
  • mastics;
  • thermal insulation barrier.

Fire protection of artificial ventilation involves the use of vibrationproof and soundproof materials, as such ventilation systems make noise and vibration during operation.

Basalt slabs

The common used materials for fire protection of vnetilation system are mineral wool, vermiculite, basalt, foil  and asbestos cement. Installation is carried out by means of screws, collars and wire. However, if the tubes are tightly adjoined the walls or located in the corner, this type of installation is not suitable. The reason is that the materials increase weight and size of tubes.

Paint and varnish

For protection of ventilation system, special paints and varnish which are intumescend under the influence of high temperature. Resulting coating has high thermal insulation characteristics. Disadvantages are high price and low yeld compared to other methods.


Tubes are covered with mastic based on silicates, phosphates, mineral fibre nepheline. Recommended thickness of the layer is 10-50 mm. This method is affordably priced, effective and easy in installation. Nevertheless, mastic application is not such a simple process as it seems, that’s why it must be implemented by professionals.


The following methods are used for creation of fire protection barrier: concrete coating, plastering and arrangement of concrete box. These methods are not so popular today, as they increase the weight and require accessory mounting.

Before application of fire protection, it is necessary to clean, level and dry surface.

Specialists of Server Service Company are well versed in smoke exhaust ventilation system. We design emergency ventilation systems, produce air ducts and carry out installation and commissioning works.

To know more about services provided by our company, call us and our highly qualified specialists will answer all questions you may have.