Server Service company has finished work in a shopping complex with an unusual name ATRIUM. Very soon, visitors to the 5,000 m2 shopping and entertainment center will be able to appreciate the convenience of spending time in this building.
Many shops and a large playground are located under a glass roof. It was she who became the main distinguishing feature of this unusual structure with a height of 4 floors.
A team of professional engineers and installers of the company Server Service has finished work on creating a comfortable atmosphere in the ATRIUM shopping center. A team of professional engineers and installers of the company Server Service has finished work on creating a comfortable atmosphere in the ATRIUM shopping center. Professionals of various profiles participated in the creation and implementation of this project, from PTO engineers, designers, cost estimators to foremen and installers.
During the work the following was accomplished:
Design of an air conditioning and ventilation system;
Coordination and approval of working documentation;
Laying of heating and water supply pipelines made of steel pipes;
Insulation of pipelines with modern materials;
Installation of PEDROLLO centrifugal pumps with automation system;
Installation of heat exchangers and expansion sideboards;
Installation of shut–off valves – check valves, ventils, through valves, flange connections;
Installation of paronite gaskets, filters, vibration isolating inserts, disc valves;
Installation of SHIVAKI chillers and cassette fan coils;
Strapping of chillers and distribution combs.
The ATRIUM shopping center is almost ready to welcome guests. Only the landscaping of the nearby territory remained, which means that there is very little time left before the grand opening.
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