Household condensation boilers
Domestic condensing boilers are designed for heating and water supply of apartments and private houses. Such equipment operates on gas (main or cylinder). The efficiency of a domestic condensing boiler is approximately 90%. That is why these units are extremely popular today. The advantages of domestic condensing boilers include safety, reliability, and full automation of operation.

The main elements of a domestic condensing boiler:
- Combustion chamber
- Primary and condensing heat exchanger
- Gas post-cooling chamber 55 °С
- Condensate accumulation tank
- Chimney
- A pump that provides water circulation.
Disadvantages of condensing boilers:
First of all, it is a high price, demanding quality of incoming air, labor-intensive condensate disposal. Condensing boilers can be single- and double-circuit. The first ones work to supply hot water, the second ones provide both hot water and heating.
The Server-Service company provides a wide range of services related to boiler equipment.
We will help you choose the right boiler model and install it professionally. Sign a maintenance contract with us and save yourself from problems with the operation of the equipment. Our technicians will make sure that your boiler works properly and without interruptions. If you need to replace a part that is not in stock, we can deliver it from China at a wholesale price.
Server-Service is your reliable partner in creating a comfortable climate in your home, office or enterprise!
Contact us today to get advice and learn more about our services!
Telephone: +998 (70) 202 01 32, +998 (98) 128 42 00;
Telephone: +998 (70) 202 01 32,
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