Maintenance of combined boiler equipment
Combined boilers can simulteneously run on several types of fuel (electricity, gas/diesel, solid fuel) that provides a high reliability of the system, operation independence (in case of gas or electricity absence, it can run on other types of the fuel). Boilers of this type have two separate combustion chambers – for solid and liquid/flued fuel. The presence of two separate chambers allows using several types of fuel simulteneosly. In addition, combined boilers have built-in electric heating tube. Thus, combined boilers run on all types of the fuel: natural gas, diesel, coal, wood, pellets, electricity. Maintenance of combined boiler equipment is necessary for its reliable operation during long period of operation. It is necessary to carry out the regular maintenance of boilers to maintain good technical condition. It is necessary to avoid the premature malfunctions of boiler equipment and carry out the repair works if it is necessary. Specialists of Server Service Company provide high quality maintenance of your combined boiler equipment. All the boilers, including double-pressure boilers need periodical inspection according to the rules of their technical operation. Our company recommends to carry out the maintenance of your boiler equipment at least once a year, before heating season. Annual maintenance of the boiler equipment includes:- boiler cleaning
- burner cleaning
- check of expansion tanks of heating and water supply systems
- check of pumps, servo drives, valves, critical sensors status
- test of automatics
- check and adjustment of combustion
- check of pipelines connection
- leak check of gas pipelines (in boiler room)
Maintenance of combined boiler equipment
Combination boilers, as their name suggests, can operate simultaneously on several types of fuel (electricity, diesel/gas, solid fuel), which ensures the highest reliability of the system, autonomous operation (there is always the possibility, when gas or electricity is disconnected, to switch to reserve types of fuel). Boilers of this type have two separate combustion chambers – for solid and liquid/gaseous fuel. The presence of two separate chambers makes it possible to use several types of fuel simultaneously. Combined boilers are a universal solution and operate on all types of fuel: natural gas, diesel, coal, firewood, briquettes, pellets, electricity.
Maintenance of combined boiler equipment necessary for its stable and reliable operation over a long service life, it is necessary to maintain double-circuit boilers in good technical condition, carrying out regular maintenance of the boilers. This is primarily necessary in order to avoid premature breakdowns of boiler equipment and to carry out repair work as soon as such a need arises, due to natural wear and tear of the equipment.
The specialists of the company “Server-Service” can organize high-quality maintenance of your combined boiler equipment. Any boilers, including double-circuit ones, require periodic inspection according to the rules of their technical operation. Our company recommends servicing your boiler equipment at least once a year, before the beginning of the heating season. In order to prevent unexpected failure of the heating boiler during the heating season.
The scope of service maintenance includes an annual full inspection of boiler equipment according to the approved regulations as part of the activities to prepare for the heating season:
Cleaning the boiler
Cleaning the burner
Cleaning the boiler (if necessary)
Checking expansion tanks of heating and water supply systems
Checking the performance of pumps, servo drives, assembly valves, emergency sensors
Testing automation
Testing automation
Checking pipeline connections for leaks
Checking the tightness of gas pipelines (in the boiler room) and fuel pipelines
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