Repair of cassette air conditioners

Today cassette air conditioners are the most popular in comparison with other types of air conditioners. Due to its compact size, it will fit into any interior. What should you do in case of malfunction of such equipment? Server Service Company is the best solution! High qualified specialists of our company will eliminate any malfunctions of your air inconditioner.

Possible causes of cassette air conditioners malfunction

Incorrect operation is one of the most frequent causes of channel air conditioners malfunction Incorrect installation leads to high level of air conditioner’s vibration, because of which internal parts are deteriorated more quickly. Accordingly, it needs a repair or installation regardless of the quality of air conditioner. Voltage drop. In order to avoid voltage drop, it is necessary to install power supply filter. Drain system clogging. Low quality maintenance service. In case of absence of timely preventive maintenance, air conditioner is clogged. Dirt is a favorable breeding environment for a wide variety of bacteria and microbes. In addition, there are a large quantity of dust accumulation on internal mechanisms of air conditioner, then it spreads in the whole premise with cooled air. That’s why, the maintenance service must be implemented by experienced specialists in order to avoid different problems during operation of air conditioner. If you need high quality installation of air conditioner, Server Service Company is always at your services! All our specialists have a great experience in the field of repair of cassette air conditioners. Contact Server Service Company and we will solve all problems of your cassette air conditioner. We guarantee a high quality elimination of malfunction of any complexity. Do you need a repair of air conditioner in Tashkent or Tashkent region? Just call us! Our contacs: +998 (71) 207-33-32  

Repair of cassette air conditioners

Today, when choosing an air conditioner, many people opt for cassette air conditioners. This decision is quite understandable – after all, when buying a cassette air conditioner, you do not need to think about how optimally it will fit into your interior. But what to do if you need to repair such an air conditioner? The best solution would be to contact the Server Service company. Qualified technicians of our company will quickly and efficiently eliminate any breakdowns of your air conditioner.

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Below is information about possible breakdowns of cassette air conditioners.

Incorrect operation. Often it is improper operation that causes breakdowns of varying degrees of complexity;

Incorrect installation. Incorrect installation contributes to an increase in the level of vibrations of the air conditioner. Under the influence of these vibrations, the internal parts and mechanisms of the air conditioner wear out much faster than it should. Accordingly, very soon after such installation, many of them require replacement, regardless of how high-quality your air conditioner is;

Power surges in the electrical network. This phenomenon has a negative effect on absolutely all electrical appliances. However, it is one thing when the result of such a surge is, say, the burnout of an iron, and quite another when a cassette air conditioner burns out. An iron is certainly a necessary thing, but the cost of these two devices is radically different. In order not to lose your air conditioner, it is recommended to invest a small amount of money and install network filters;

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Blockages in the drainage system;

Lack of maintenance/poor quality maintenance. Without timely maintenance, the air conditioner becomes clogged. Dirt under the influence of moisture turns into a dense mass, which is very difficult to clean. But it is an extremely favorable environment for the reproduction of a wide variety of bacteria and microbes. In addition, dirt settles on the internal mechanisms of the air conditioner and spreads throughout the room along with the cooled air. However, you should always remember that maintenance performed by a self-taught technician can cause more harm to the air conditioner than its absence.

So where should you go to be sure that the repair of a cassette air conditioner, due to the peculiarities of its design and installation, will be carried out efficiently and quickly?

Contact Server Service and we will solve all your problems related to the repair of a cassette air conditioner. All our specialists have extensive experience in the field of repair of cassette air conditioners and therefore can guarantee high-quality and fast elimination of breakdowns of any complexity. Do you need air conditioner repair in Tashkent or the Tashkent region? Call us +998 71 207 33 32

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