Hitachi is the manufacturer from Japan. They have a high quality assemblage and modern system.

Are you looking for an experienced specialist for the repair of Hitachi refrigerator? Call our company! Our specialists have all necessary for the repair of ypur refrigerator: knowledge, experience and complete set of tools and equipment. We also provide a guarantee for all implemented services.

The most common malfunctions of Hitachi refrigerators

Generally, the breakage of control system occurs because of incorrect operation, as well as if the users bypass the manufacturer’s instructions. That’s why it is very important to read and understand the manual.

If you want to improve the service life of your refrigerator, please follow the manufacturers instructions and defrost timely (if No Frost system is absent).

Did you notice one of the minor malfunctions of your refrigerator during the operation? Call us immediately! So, you will avoid serious problems and extend the service life of your refrigerator for a long time.

Our masters will come at any time convenient for you. After the diagnostics, we will determine the cause of malfunction and eliminate it.

If the repair is implemented by our masters, you will not have to pay for the diagnostics, but only for the rapair. Price for repair depends on the malfunction mode.

Is your refrigerator Hitachi broken, just call us: +998  71 207 33 32

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