hotpoint aristonHotpoint-Ariston brand was established in 2007. The exterior and quality of Hotpoint refrigerators meet all modern technologies. Many refrigerators of this manufacturer have a high class A of energy consumption. High quality doesn’t protects the equipment against breakdowns and wear of details. Server Service provides the repair of Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerators and other brands in Tashkent.

The most frequent breakages of Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerators

Thermal regulator is one of the detail that breaks most often, especially in built-in models. The other most frequent broken components are relay and compressor. The other problem of Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerator is ice formation in refrigerating or freezing chambers. It usually occurs becuase of clg of capillary pipe or door deformation. Voltage drop also leads to the burnout of protection device of No Frost system. The only the way out of this situation is the protection device replacement.

High quality repair of Hotpoint -Ariston refrigerators

Do you need the repair of Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerators? Just call us! We appreciate reliability and high quality. Repair of Ariston and Hotpoint-Ariston refrigeratrs includes:
  • replacement of compressor and other components;
  • repair of electromechanic control boards and No Frost sytsem;
  • repair of refrigerators equipped with the most modern control system;
Applications for the repair of Ariston and Hotpoint-Ariston refirgerators are accepted by telephone numbers: +998 (71) 207-33-32 10739848e4a83fa0362420537bc6c5237c4d4a2ce66b721f71ba77d25a6fdfe6e42bda6f8977e8 enlхотпоинт аристон31346sb0 ariston msz 702 nf

Refrigerator repair Hotpoint-Ariston (Хотпоинт Аристон)

2007, when the two brands decided to merge, was the year the Hotpoint-Ariston brand was born.

The appearance, technology and quality of Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerators take into account all modern needs. Many refrigerators from this manufacturer have the highest energy consumption class A.

hotpoint ariston

But even excellent quality does not protect equipment from damage and wear of parts. You can get repair of Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerators and other brands in Tashkent at the service center Server Service.

What usually breaks down in HOTPOINT-ARISTON refrigerators

Most often, the thermostat in Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerators suffers, especially in built-in refrigerators. Another common phenomenon is: it does not turn on, but when you open the refrigerator, the light comes on. Or you hear a click in the back of the device, but it does not start. This may be caused by damage to the compressor. Technicians also have to deal with the fact that the relay becomes unusable. But in more modern models, the relay almost never burns out.

Еще одна проблема в холодильниках Hotpoint-Ariston: в холодильной либо в морозильной камере образуется много снега. Нередко подобное происходит после 5 лет пользования. Такой результат получается, если засорилась капиллярная трубка либо деформировалась дверца или же уплотнительная резина не герметична.

Владельцы холодильников Hotpoint-Ariston могут так же столкнуться с тем, что перегорел плавкий предохранитель системы No Frost. По большей части этому способствуют перепады напряжения. Если повреждение произошло, то выходом из ситуации становится замена предохранителя. Из-за изменения напряжения могут пострадать микросхемы процессора, по этой причине ремонт выйдет отнюдь не дешево.

High-quality repair of HOTPOINT-ARISTON refrigerators

Your refrigerator is broken and you don’t know where to go in Tashkent to get it fixed? You don’t need to worry, just call us! We don’t delay refrigerator repairs and value reliability and quality.

Repair of Ariston and Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerators, which our technicians perform during this process:


Replaces the compressor and other parts of the device


They repair electromechanical control boards, and of course No Frost systems


They repair refrigerators equipped with the most modern control system and configure them


Works with all types of refrigerants


Among other things, they perform work that involves linear or major repairs of refrigerators.

Call us! We don’t want you to have to wait for your refrigerator to work again. We accept requests for repair of Ariston and Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerators in Tashkent or Tashkent region by phone

+998 (70) 202-01-32

10739848e4a83fa0362420537bc6c5237c4d4a2ce66b721f71ba77d25a6fdfe6e42bda6f8977e8 enlхотпоинт аристон31346sb0 ariston msz 702 nf

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