The largest object in Andijan!

Server Service has completed many large-scale projects. 

The Zamin Bio Health pharmaceutical plant in Andijan, with a total area of 5,000 square meters, is one of them.

Our company’s specialists have completed work in the settlement of “Khortum” in the city of Andijan.

It was here that the only insulin production plant in Central Asia was opened.

The production of medicines is a production area that places special demands on ventilation.

Strict requirements indicate that design and installation work must be carried out by experienced craftsmen.

The ventilation system must perform the following tasks:


Provide multi-level air filtration in sterile areas, sealed airlocks, weighing and packaging rooms;


Effectively purify the air from harmful impurities that appear as a result of technical processes;


Ensure compliance with labor standards and employee safety;


Maintain an optimal temperature regime, supply fresh air in a timely manner and remove exhaust air.

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Server Service specialists performed:


Design of supply ventilation;


Refrigeration machine piping;


Ensure compliance with labor standards and employee safety;


Checking the system for leaks.

Оборудование было установлена на так называемом техническом этаже, что впоследствии значительно упростит его обслуживание.

Хотите посмотреть видеоотчет о проведенной работе на фармацевтическом заводе Zamin Bio Health в Андижане? Переходите по ссылке!

Server-Service is your reliable partner in creating a comfortable climate in your home, office or enterprise!

Contact us today to get advice and learn more about our services!


Telephone: +998 (71) 502 01 32, 

                     +998 (98) 128 42 00;


We will be happy to answer your questions!

Server-Service – New level service!